Capo Kane (Entered Stud in 2022)
Street Sense -Twirl Me, By Hard Spun
The Only Son Of Street Sense Standing On The East Coast
A Mirror Image of Street Sense’s Cross
Won MSW on second asking wire to wire by 4 1/2 His next two starts both in New York, The Jerome wire to wire by 6 1/4 and Graded Placed in The Withers
Capo Kane descends from a more prolific side of the family, via the Man o’ War mare Judy O’Grady
Pat On The Back (Entered Stud in 2021)
G R A D E D S T A K E S W I N N E R O F O V E R $ 1 . 1 M I L L I O N
25 Stake races out of 30 lifetime starts
Last 21 races were all Stake races
SW at 2, 3, 4, & 5